Dubrovnik (Part 1/2)

The hardest part of this entry is choosing the photos to post.  Dubrovnik is one of the most photogenic places I have ever been to.   Every corner is pretty and photo worthy.  In four days I was there,  I took over 300 shots of this beautiful Croatian city.  So my dilemma right now is — which ones to post?  Ahh, stress…

Okay, let’s start with the bird’s-eye view shots.

The best place to see Dubrovnik’s walled city this way is from Mt. Srd or by taking the cable car ride to and from the mountain.   Lillian and I were very lucky that our amazing host, Ante, offered to drive us to the  top at eight in the morning.

Though coming here is mostly popular at sunset, he recommended to go in the morning so we’ll see how clear the water is.  He also added that the morning light will make the sea look bluer and the medieval city more stunning.  I say he knew his business because these photos are raw and unfiltered.  Dubrovnik certainly doesn’t need filters or any kind of photo-enhancing app.

From the mountain top you’ll see the island of Lokrum sitting right next to Dubrovnik’s medieval city.  The island is very much worth a visit especially if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones.  Lillian, who happens to be one  (I haven’t seen a single episode.  Don’t judge me, I swear I’m normal.), told me it is imperative we visit “the throne.”  We did on our last day but that would require a separate entry.

The City Walls

You haven’t been to Dubrovnik if you haven’t walked along its city walls.  I think the walls that surround its historic center are 2 kilometers long.  The photography vantage points are endless here.  I found myself stopping constantly and taking photos, trying to capture every tiny detail my memory might fail to remember later.

For this particular day, I’m glad I diligently carried my 55-200 mm lens.  My Nikon is my old and trusted buddy, and this particular lens is like my baby.  I mean it also in a literal way because the camera is already heavy.  Add it with an extra lens and it does feel like carrying a baby.  But I’m digressing.

Ok, so here are more photos taken at the city walls with me behind the lens and sometimes assigning Lillian to stand on a particular spot for a photo-op.  Talk about bossing your friends for a nice capture. 🙂

Fort St. John

We came here at sundown. The sunlight reflecting on the seascape was too beautiful for words. Problem was, there were so many people around. It’s hard to have your moment with nature when someone else’s back or face is ruining your view and your peace.  Worst is when some elderly b**ch would rudely tell you to move away because they’d like to have photos of themselves right where you are.  Yes, I’m speaking from experience.  It’s sad what people do for photos especially if they are solely intended for their social media accounts.  It’s twice awful when people more than half a century old would shove manners aside for the sake of showing off to the world at how awesome their lives are when honestly no one even cares.

– End rant here.  Insert pictures below. –

Game of Thrones

Though I haven’t seen the series, I knew Dubrovnik was one of the filming locations for Game of Thrones. But I never knew how crazy the fans could get reenacting some scenes in the series until Lillian and I got at this particular spot in the city. The particular scene I’m talking about? The Walk of Shame.

Imagine my bewilderment when the moment we rounded the corner leading to these steps, I heard a loud chant of “shame, shame, shame ” from this group of senior citizens.  When I looked closer I saw that the ladies were going down the steps while the gentlemen were busy filming them, at the same time chanting “shame” x infinity.  One of the husbands was not satisfied of his wife’s acting. He asked her to go up and down the steps repeatedly while their friends tirelessly chanted on. It was hilarious and very entertaining. Life imitating art at its funniest.

That island right there? That’s where the GoT fans flock as well. Lillian and I went there on our last day.  I’ll save it for the next entry.




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2 Responses to Dubrovnik (Part 1/2)

  1. Enie Sanchez says:

    OMG Marialeila! These are so pretty. I’m a big GOT fan, so nice to see your posts.

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